Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Day 22: 215.8
HCG Dose 30o units (.3 or the "30" mark)
Day 15-25: 300 units

My weight went up today and probably because I just haven't been exercising. I love to run, and because of the long hours in the office, can't seem to dedicate the time. This weekend however I will plan to go for runs on Saturday and Sunday, and if lucky may see numbers into the 211 range for the first time in about 10 years. Pretty neat! This morning for breakfast I had a chocolate whey shake and a few cups of coffee. I had a liposuction this morning, so I wanted to make sure I ate a snack before starting in on the procedure, since I may be in the operating room for a number of hours. I ate three of the Babybel gouda cheese balls. For lunch I ate my thick sliced turkey again and rolled up some smoked Gouda and Muenster cheese. See the above photo. I could have eaten 10 of those roll-ups, and it would not have made any difference since there are no carbohydrates at all in my roll-ups. For dinner I had a salad with spinach, olives,blue cheese dressing,and tomatoes. (See the picture below) Note there are 6 grams of carbohydrates, and two grams of sugar with all of the veggies , olives,cucumbers, and tomatoes.

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 21, Research proves that Vitamin D . ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 21,Research proves that Vitamin D improves weight loss. ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

Day 21: 214.6 HCG injection 300 units ( .3 cc) days 15-25

This morning I started my day with some coffee and three fried eggs with bacon and cheddar cheese on a low carb wrap. I used the one wrap for all three eggs. This is a little more carbs that I should have in the morning, but I will just have to restrict my carbohydrate intake tonight. I ate two hard boiled eggs , i made yesterday for a mid morning snack and ate three thick turkey roll-ups with Muenster cheese ( I will show you that in the next blog). No afternoon snack, but again focused on drinking alot of water between seeing patients. For dinner I heated a pound, yes a pound of bay scallops in a frying pain with olive oil, and then after browning them on both sides (about 4 minutes each side) , I put them in the oven on broil with some Parmesan and Romano cheese. It was really filling and my 11 year old actually really liked it too. Life sure has its mysteries. I went with the sugar free jello and low sugar whip cream for dessert, and thus consumed no carbohydrates for dessert. Another key to successful weight loss is to have an adequate level of Vitamin D. Let me explain how beneficial this really is to weight loss.

Research proves that Vitamin D improves weight loss Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS


Researchers at Aberdeen University found that low levels of vitamin D interfered with the function of a hormone called leptin, which tells the brain when the stomach is full. The study also found that excess body fat absorbs vitamin D, stopping it entering the bloodstream. Unfortunately in the winter months, when exercise is difficult and seasonal depression creeps in, low vitamin D levels are epidemic and will cause weight gain. In addition, the rapid spiral worsens as the accumulation of excess body fat leads to the fat-soluble vitamin D becoming locked away in fat cells.

In another study involving 60 overweight/obese women aged 20-35 years adhering to a low calorie diet, those with higher vitamin D levels lost more weight and fat. This supports the theory that women with a better vitamin D status will respond better to low calorie diets and lose more body fat.

In postmenopausal women calcium/vitamin D supplements have been shown to slow weight gain This finding comes from a detailed, seven-year study of more than 36,000 U.S. women enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative. It clearly demonstrates that most weight gain was in the youngest postmenopausal women and that Vitamin D and calcium slowed the process of weight gain.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered that if you are struggling to lose weight or have lost weight but plateaued, that adding vitamin D3 to a high protein diet may be just be the boost you need. They found that you could lose 25 pounds of flab from your body in about 7 seconds per day, simply by adding vitamin D3 this year. So it appears that Vitamin D3 may be the "SWITCH" that turns on automatic fat burning engine.

A 2009 study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people have better success in losing weight when their vitamin D levels are increased. When combined with a reduced-calorie diet, it appears that supplementation with vitamin D helps to promote increased weight loss among those whose levels are low. For each nanogram per milliliter increase in vitamin D precursor, it was observed that an extra half-pound loss in weight occurred while on the diet plan.

To address the Metabolic syndrome and the increase in visceral abdominal fat, I believe it is critical to understand the connection between vitamin D levels and insulin resistance. Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the wide set of disorders associated with this syndrome of high cholesterol, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and increased abdominal fat. In a study published in 2004, the authors saw a 60% improvement in insulin sensitivity in healthy, vitamin D replete adults — and determined that vitamin D was more potent than two prescription medications commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes.

Clearly, vitamin D is critical in regulating our weight, and knowing the dramatic impact on thyroid function, and optimizing metabolism, the correlation between rising rates of obesity and vitamin D deficiency aren’t a surprise. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol supports so many important functions in our bodies and interacts with over 2000 Genes. To believe that the only benefit of Vitamin D is to improve bone growth seems short cited at best. Focus on optimizing your vitamin D levels, and a healthy and active lifestyle will be in your future. MORE INFO AT WWW.ANDLOS.COM

Sunday, April 24, 2011

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 18, So Are You Overweight Because You're Not Sleeping Enough? ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 18, So Are You Overweight Because You're Not Sleeping Enough? ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

Day 18: 216.4

Got up early this morning and ran 5 miles. Had my coffee before I left, but waited to get home before I drank my chocolate whey milkshake. I am experiencing no significant sweet craving and feel confident I can complete this 28 day cycle, and you should feel like you can as well. Over the course of the day I ate a bag of almonds and focused on drinking at least 100 ounces of water today. For lunch had a ceasar salad with chicken in it. A big salad and without the croutons there was only about 4 grams of carbohydrates. I had some more bay scallops and a mixture of Romano and Parmesan cheese melted over it. After reading this segment though i think I will try to go to sleep a little earlier and take my progesterone ( will talk about this later in another blog).

So Are You Overweight Because You're Not Sleeping Enough?

I wanted to review different reasons why we may not lose the anticipated weight we want to lose. It may not be our fault. And, reasons once identified, may catapult you into successful weight loss, not only achieving your goals but maintaining the weight loss you have achieved . Everyone knows the importance of exercise and how it helps us with weight loss, but on some days don't you just wish you could have stayed in bed sleeping and lose weight at the same time?

Well, maybe you can. Because sleep is actually a critical part of your weight loss program!

This is a little-known fact, but did you know that sleep can affect your weight? Rather, it's the lack of sleep that can make you put on unnecessary weight. One may actually lose more weight if only they were to sleep more every day. Rather intriguing thought, but the facts are in and sleep is critical to weight loss....

Unfortunately this sleep deprivation had a greater impact on obese individuals and older adults. Research has also shown that sleep restriction might have worse effects in women than in men as well. So individuals that may be more severely affected by sleep deprivation are: (1) obese individuals, (2) older adults, and (3) women. More to follow...

Saturday, April 23, 2011



Day # 13: 218.4

Went by the Deli at Publix and had them cut a pound of Turkey nice and thick, and then added a pound of smoked Gouda cheese. I ate that for lunch and I had a late dinner with it as well while working at the office on some manuscripts I'm trying to complete on Hormone Replacement Therapies and a second on The Myths of Cholesterol From A Heart Surgeon's Perspective. I focused on drinking more water today. Sometimes I forget, but I like the "rule" that whenever you feel like you want a "snack", just drink an entire glass of water and you will be amazed how that satisfies your hunger. But of course, with this approach there are no caloric restrictions , so you can eat anything (of course no carbohydrates) that you want and eat all day if you want.

Here is the last section on your Grocery Shopping Adventure, and How important it is to pick the correct foods( All Low carbohydrate, except romaine lettuce, spinach, and even asparagus are allowed and will consist of 75% of your carbohydrate input each day.)

The critical part of the Sarasota Diet or what I would like to think of as a New Lifestyle with limited carbohydrate intake( accentuated by HCG), is to firmly avoid the foods we have restricted on the Sarasota Diet. For the first round of 28 days you can’t eat these items because the sugar cravings will take hold and your weight loss will screech to a halt. Avoid those simple sugars like sugar filled drinks and juices, pastry, cookies, sweets and candy( STOP-IT helps you fight those nasty cravings: ). Also you absolutely need to avoid those complex carbohydrates that rapidly become sugar in your body like bread, whole wheat and white, rice, oatmeal and grains. We have been told that oatmeal is good for your, Brown rice is so healthy, and whole grain breads and pasta are the best things to eat. The answer to all of those is a resounding “NO”. All of these presumably “healthy items” contain massive amounts of carbohydrates and are absolutely restricted from the Sarasota low carbohydrate approach. My goal is to restrict the total carbohydrates to 20 grams for 4 weeks and with the use of HCG , you will have the strength to fight the cravings, the energy needed to carry on your daily activities and the development of a physiology that is the healthiest form to reduce inflammation, diabetes, triglyceride levels, without experiencing the “blah” feelings that are so common with diets that aggressively restrict caloric intact, and push people into a starvation mode.

This low carbohydrate approach will now train your body to live on the fats and not the carbohydrates which are promoting inflammation and making you feel so bad. This low carbohydrate Sarasota Diet will drive your body to ketosis , where it will preferentially learn to burn your excess fat because no excess sugar is around. We know that excess sugar in your body will cause insulin levels to rise and these chronically elevated insulin levels cause excess sugar to be changed into fat and then stored inside of your belly as visceral fat, inside your blood vessels, inside your liver, and in all kinds of places we just don’t want it to be. Blocking the insulin directed fat accumulation program, will result in using your fats as energy instead of as storage units. I won’t discuss hormonal balance yet but one hormone, specifically progesterone ( which is essentially gone in women over 45 and is immeasurable in men over 50, will block the forced accumulation of fat inside of your belly as visceral fat( I LOVE NATURAL PROGESTERONE)

This is not necessarily the fat I refer to as Dunlap’s disease..or” It Dun Lapped Over My Belt”, but this is the fat that wraps around all your organs, and causes diabetes, massive inflammation and heart disease. It’s really bad stuff and I want to train our bodies to use that visceral fat as an energy source, as well as to block the creation of that “belly fat”.

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

Day 12: 218.8

Busy day in the office and had to drive to two meetings at the end of the day. Oh , what I would do for a run on the beach. I lost a little weight this time, but last night consumed an entire lemon pepper chicken from Publix, and a small spinach , cheese, and olive salad with Blue cheese dressing....and lost weight. Got to love this diet! Planning on checking my percent fat on Day 13 because I know my weight is relatively stable, but my clothes are fitting a lot more loose. Lets go back to the grocery trip again. I will tell you more about my Fat Burning Accelerator shots after we finish at the Grocery store. And then we will set up a sample week long schedule. Keep following with us and PLEASE add any comments or insights. I strongly believe that every day is a day at school, and I always love learning something new.

I like buying my meat in larger quantities, as this will be a mainstay for the next 4 weeks. Buy a few pounds of hamburger and make patties out of them and freeze the ones you won’t need for the first few days. Be aggressive with using cheeses, all kinds of cheese and spices to “soup-up” your hamburgers. I also get the sale steaks (any cuts) and eat them back to back using spices. A steak for dinner and a spinach salad will fill you up and you can pick up a few strawberries or my favorite cherry sugar free jello and cover it with either regular heavy whipping cream or the low sugar whipping cream options. Buy your cheese in bulk as well. Either the large blocks or go crazy when the individual grated cheese bags are on sale. Although, It is so much less expensive to grate your own cheese then to pay for the packaged kind . Also stay away from the low fat cheese or the kind made with milk. Always remember, when it says “lo w-fat”, it really means ‘high sugar”.

You can also purchase seafood options at almost any grocery deli. Recently I enjoyed eating over a ½ pound of lightly sauteed bay scallops with Parmesan and Romano cheese melt over the top. I was full after eating that meal and there were absolutely zero carbs in that meal.

The critical part of the diet or what I would like to think of as a New Lifestyle with limited carbohydrate intake, is to firmly avoid the foods restricted on the Sarasota Diet. For the first round of 28 days you can’t eat these items because the sugar cravings will take hold and your weight loss will screech to a halt.......... more to follow

Sunday, April 17, 2011




I have been keeping a diary but have been backlogged in writing. I have put together a grouping of articles I will tie together with catching up on my scheduled recordings.

Day#11: 219.2

My energy still is good and I have incorporated my creation of B-vitamins ,carnitine , and chromium into my ANDLOS CLINIC :FAT BURNING ACCELERATOR shots( I will tell you more about these soon) which I use three times a week in conjunction with my nightly HCG shots. I have been in somewhat of a stall and I believe it is because I need to exercise more. I love it when I am losing a pound a day, but my goal is to lose 16 pounds in 28 days. My good friend in Palm Beach has exceeded that in two weeks, but he is a "little" heavier than I. Some questions I am asked daily in my clinic are: So how do I start this 'Sarasota Diet' ?" So I decided to give you a series of brief descriptions on preparing for your first sojourn to the grocery store with Low Carbohydrate approach on your mind. I will reiterate on how to do the shots again, but that is the easy part....Well in fact this whole dietary lifestyle is easy. No caloric restrictions, eat what you can, but just stay away from carbs! If you repeat slowly and often as you walk through the grocery store: "Carbs are poison. These toxins are making me fat and trying to kill me." Repeating that a few times a day will fortify your decision to avoid your previous daily onslaught of massive amounts of dangerous toxic carbohydrates. So lets go shopping....

The new "Sarasota Diet" Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle shopping experience-

Shopping in preparation for starting your low carb Sarasota diet will be a different experience. One thing you will have to do is read labels to check for how many carbohydrates are hidden in your favorite foods. The shock may be overwhelming especially when you realize that you will be allowed a maximum of 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. A cup of rice is over 40 grams. Mountain Dew is 45 grams of carbs. The foods that you would commonly throw into your shopping cart like bread, pasta, and potatoes are no longer welcome in your shopping cart. Just like diving…plan your dive, dive your plan. Your adventure in the grocery store should start with an idea of what you plan to eat for the first week. Also key to anticipating this shopping trip is the gathering of all those high carb snacks throughout your house and hidden in your desk and locking them away if not throwing them all out.

Once in the grocery store, you should shop on the periphery, like the deli, vegetables, eggs, meat, and avoid the packaged high fructose sugar items in the center aisles. Make sure you purchase many low carb options like cheese sticks, deli meats and celery to help satisfy those mid-day cravings. I find however that before you even take a bite of a mid-day snack, you should drink an entire 8 oz glass or bottled water. Then start eating your snack.

Once you arrive at the grocery begin stocking up on cheeses, meats, other high protein options and produce. This way you will purchase the primary foods you should eat for the week and not be tempted by the packaged items in the middle aisles. More to follo